Generic Carrier-Based Core Model for Undoped Four-Terminal Double-Gate MOSFET Valid for Symmetric, Asymmetric, SOI, and Independent Gate Operation Modes

feng liu1,  jin he1,  wei bian1,  yue fu1,  jie feng1,  xing zhang1,  mansun chan2
1institute of Microelectronics, peking university, 2ECE, Hongkong university of Science and technology


A generic carrier-based core model for undoped four-terminal double-gate (DG) MOSFET valid for symmetric, asymmetric, SOI, and independent gate operation modes is presented in this paper. Based on the exact solution of the 1-D Poisson’s equation of a general DG-MOSFET configure, a generic drain current model is derived from Pao-Sah’s double integral in terms of the carrier concentration. The model is verified by extensive comparisons with 2-D numerical simulations under different bias conditions to all four terminals. The concise mathematic formulation allows the unification various double-gate models into a carrier-based core model for compact DG-MOSFET model development.