International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED)
Submit Paper

Program at a Glance

& Exhibit

Press Room
Press Room


Poster Papers

Authors of poster papers should display their papers in the poster format. All posters will be displayed from 5:30pm to 7:00pm on Tuesday Oct. 28, in parallel and in conjunction with the mixer/refreshments and exhibits. This provides a unique opportunity for these papers to be viewed by many of the conference & exhibit attendees. Please refer to the program for a complete list of poster papers. 

In general the Poster session papers are displayed simultaneously with authors standing next to their posters. The author should be prepared to give a short description of their work, if asked, and answer questions from those attending. The audience does not stay in one place, but is expected to walk from one poster to another, and talk to the authors about their work. Discussion is therefore one-on-one with the author rather than to a general audience.  Please contact your session chairs before Feb. 10 and make sure they know who is presenting the paper and ask them any questions you might have.

In the Poster Session, the illustrations are mounted on a poster board which is then mounted on an easel. The illustrations may consist of equations, graphs, photographs, and short text bullets. Authors should prepare Illustrations for ease of viewing by persons who will typically stand or sit about two meters (six feet) from the display. The illustrations will be arranged and secured to poster board by the author prior to start of the session. The poster board is 30" (wide)x40"(tall) and is made of heavy foam. (Note, authors are NOT expected to bring the poster board, these will be provided by ISQED at the conference). Only one poster board is allocated and allowed for each paper.

In general simply posting the pages of your written paper is not an effective Poster Paper Presentation. It is recommended to use the poster template provided here. It is helpful to also bring copies of the final version of your paper available for those viewers who may want to study aspects of your work in more detail. Additionally have your business cards available for those who may wish to contact you a later date and Bring along a tablet of blank paper that you may use for a discussion of technical details relating to your poster paper.

ISQED poster session chairs will be available during most of the poster session. For the location of the poster session and to obtain the display boards and tapes stop by the ISQED registration desk.